Windows at Studio Montclair Gallery
127 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Work is viewable 24/7 in the Studio Montclair Gallery Windows adjacent to the Studio Montclair Gallery
The Windows at Studio Montclair:
Featuring Robert M. Mickens, Janette Afsharian, Anne Goffin Smith, Peter Ceccon
The Windows at Studio Montclair is an exciting alternative venue
where our members curate small group and solo exhibitions.
On view all day, every day! Stroll on by!
About the Artists
Artist’s Statement: Robert M. Mickens
Images with off-kilter pattern forms, divergent color palettes, rusted scribbled textures, and sarcastic lines trying to mindlessly and hopefully purely to evoke – something that engages.
Intended as a door intentionally left open. The biases and the dreams of the viewer will poison, or enhance, the perception. Add any word to the image, and the ever seeking wheels of our human condition work overtime seeking a meaning. Maybe in the form of a chuckle, a buzz, a sneeze, a story about a nun in the third grade, or a severe reaction of contempt.
Mickens has assembled a collection of coffee cups as a representation of the accumulation and meaning of our 21st century lives. Whimsically expressive faces drawn on a, bound-for-landfill daily latte paper cup become an actual medium in representing time and an individuals footprint. “If an archeologist from the future dug up these cups,” Mickens has stated, “I hope they will be flummoxed and ask, ‘What were these people doing…?’ ”
Artist’s Statement: Janette Afsharian
I paint lots of lines. Sometime hundreds, other times just one or a suggestion of a line. I believe my line paintings are a form of meditation, serving to control and capture the chaos and division of thought going through all our minds. Specifically for me the stark contrasts of thought from my upbringing. With one parent from Texas and the other from Iran, my work reflects this duality. Touch of gold symbolizes my Iranian heritage, while the lines represent all the diverging thoughts. I call this collection under|Control.
Artist’s Statement: Anne Goffin Smith
The difficult circumstances that faced the world during the pandemic were leveled against the mundane safety of the indoors. This confinement resulted in major change for society as well as the individual.
Anne Goffin Smith’s work addresses emotions that arose from isolation and introspection. The artist was given time to redefine the unresolved with a lack of expectation and external influence. Established rules were no longer of concern and intuition served as a guiding light. Through the mediums of paint, resin, photography, and collage, she devoted herself to expressing the simplicity of a lifestyle brought about by those strange times. Her work reflects a return to the beauty in nature and the value of social interactions that were temporarily lost. Smith shares her artistic journey and allows the viewer to re-engage with often neglected moments of the everyday world.
Artist’s Statement: Peter Ceccon
When Peter Ceccon first encountered Jackson Pollock’s “The Tea Cup” in 1990, the experience became an artistic awakening. He embarked on a powerful journey of discovery through the unexplored territory of his internal creative landscape. As he tried his hand at painting, he simultaneously taught himself about art by reading and visiting museums and galleries. Years later, he pursued an education at the Art Students League in New York City under the instruction and guidance of Larry Poons. Soon enough, the budding artist proudly debuted his work at New York’s Piermont Fly Wheel Gallery.
Currently, Peter lives in northern New Jersey, where he continues expanding his innate talents in abstract painting, mixed media collage, and photography from his home-based studio. More recently, he has started to incorporate digital mediums into his craft, honing his skills in video, and sound.