Windows at Studio Montclair Gallery
127 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Work is viewable 24×7 in the Studio Montclair Gallery Windows adjacent to the Studio Montclair Gallery
Work by SMI member, Johnnita Woods Parker is displayed in the Windows at Studio Montclair Gallery for the months of September & October.

Johnnita Woods Parker
The world as you see it, is representational. You see an apple, it is an apple; you see a book, it is a book. Many people are comfortable when the “known” is easy to detect; finding comfort in the obvious; the predictable; the concrete. It is an order, a connection, a fact that creates comfortability of the “knowing”. This sense of comfortability relates to confidence, predictability and reason without conflict.
My work, abstract expressionism, opens the viewers’ mind and thought process. Assisting them to reach deeper and abstractly, while focusing on the creations they see or choose not to see. Creating such pieces enhances the viewers’ ability to ponder the reality of what they are seeing and using their imagination to reach deeper into the realm of non-representation.